Civitas Action to Grade HB 1074: Constitutional Amendment/Citizens-Only Voting

HB 1074: Constitutional Amendment/Citizens-Only Voting will add much-needed clarity to the North Carolina Constitution, affirming that only United States citizens have the right to vote in our elections.

If passed, the bill would propose a constitutional change that would require a vote of the people. The change would state that “Only a citizen of the United States” who is otherwise qualified may vote in North Carolina. It would replace more ambiguous language currently in the state constitution.

Who may vote is a fundamental question in our system of government, and citizens should not have to be concerned that ambitious politicians or activist judges could dilute their votes by granting the franchise to noncitizens. However, that is what is happening across the United States, including in the nation’s capital. The citizens-only voting amendment would protect the power of citizens’ votes in unequivocal language.

Civitas Action believes the vote for freedom is YES on HB1074!

Civitas Action is a 501(c)(4) non-profit that educates and informs North Carolinians on policy issues and the actions of their elected officials.