House Bill 32, In-Person Learning Choice for Families, expands freedom for North Carolina families to select a school that best meets their student’s unique educational needs. Civitas Action believes the vote for freedom is a vote YES on HB32.
School choice programs empower North Carolina families to take control of their child’s education. We know that every child is unique, even within the same family, and education cannot be viewed through a “one-size-fits-all” lens.
The current system allows only those with adequate financial means to have an array of education options. Expanding school choice helps level the playing field.
The bill makes multiple changes to the state’s school choice landscape:
- Expands eligibility for the Opportunity Scholarship Program (OSP) to include second grade students regardless of the type of school in which the student was previously enrolled.
- Increases the OSP scholarship amount from $4,200 to a percentage of the per pupil expenditure for traditional public school students up to eighty percent.
- Streamlines existing school choice programs for students with disabilities.
These changes allow North Carolina students to access an education that better meets their needs if they so choose.
North Carolina families are best suited to make the best educational decisions for their students. For that reason, Civitas Action believes the vote to expand freedom is a vote YES on HB32.
Civitas Action will grade the Second Reading floor vote on this legislation in the House or Senate.
Civitas Action is a 501(c)(4) non-profit that educates and informs North Carolinians on policy issues and the actions of their elected officials.