While the state budget in its entirety will not be graded for the Civitas Action Freedom Rankings, we do intend to grade floor amendments that have a relevant impact on North Carolina’s free markets, school choice, and other issue related to the freedom of its citizens.
Floor Amendments that will be considered for grading will include, but not be limited to, the following issues:
- Tax cuts or increases, including the introduction of new taxes
- Medicaid expansion
- Taxpayer funding of political campaigns
- Corporate welfare expansion, such as JDIG or film subsidies
- Earmark spending, i.e. monies appropriated for specific local governments, projects or nonprofits
- Efforts to limit or expand school choice options
Civitas Action reserves the right to grade other budget floor amendments that impact freedom in North Carolina.
Civitas Action is a 501(c)(4) non-profit that educates and informs North Carolinians on policy issues and the actions of their elected officials.