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North Carolina 2013 freedom rankings
House & Senate members for the 2013 legislative session
Chuck McGrady (R)
2013 Score:
out of 100
70 out of 100
Lifetime Score:
70 out of 100
Chuck McGrady (R)
Former Representative
Bill Abbreviations
2R – Second Reading
3R – Third Reading
MC – Motion to Concur
ACR – Adopt Conference Report
VO – Veto Override
A# - Amendment
(and corresponding number to amendment)
MSR – Motion to Suspend the Rules
RCS – Roll Call Number
HB 4 (3R) - Unemployment Insurance Fund Solvency & Program Changes
HB 8 (3R) - Eminent Domain Constitutional Amendment
HB 17 (2R) - Gun Permits Confidentiality
HB 18 (2R) - Youth Skin Cancer Protection Act
HB 74 (ACR 2) - Regulatory Reform Act of 2013
HB 156 (2R) - Honest Lottery Act
HB 177 (2R) - Amend Certificate of Need Laws
HB 248 (2R) - Taxpayer Debt Information Act
HB 250 (ACR) - Charter School Enrollment and Revisions
HB 269 (MC) - Special Education Scholarship Grants for Children with Disabilities
HB 392 (VO) - Warrant Status/Drug Screen Public Assistance
HB 498 (2R) - Autism Health Insurance Coverage
HB 589 (MC) - Voter Information Verification Act
HB 609 (3R) - NC Cancer Treatment Fairness Act
HB 683 (MC) - Commonsense Consumption Act
HB 695 (3R) - Family Faith & Freedom
HB 817 (2R) - Strategic Transportation Investments
HB 872 (2R) - Protect Right to Work
HB 930 (2R) - Dog Breeding Standards/Law Enforcement Tools
HB 937 (ACR) - Amend Various Firearms Laws
HB 998 (ACR 2) - Tax Simplification and Reduction Act
SB 4 (ACR) - No NC Exchange/No Medicaid Expansion
SB 18 (2R) - Amend Locksmith Licenses/Raise Fee Ceiling
SB 76 (ACR) - Domestic Energy Jobs Act
SB 129 (2R) - Limit State Facilities Finance Debt Act
SB 306 (3R) - Capital Punishment Amendments
SB 353 (3R) - Health and Safety Law Changes
SB 402 (ACR 3) - 2013 State Budget
Voted for Freedom
Voted against Freedom
No Vote
Lifetime Score: 70 / C-
2020 Score
75 / C
2019-2020 Score
76 / C
2019 Score
71 / C-
2018 Score
80 / B-
2017 Score
73 / C
2016 Score
50 / F
2015 Score
57 / F
2014 Score
67 / D
2013 Score
70 / C-
2012 Score
69 / D+
2011 Score
80 / B-