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North Carolina 2011 freedom rankings
House & Senate members for the 2011 legislative session
Alice Bordsen (D)
2011 Score:
out of 100
13 out of 100
Lifetime Score:
23 out of 100
Alice Bordsen (D)
Former Representative
Bill Abbreviations
2R – Second Reading
3R – Third Reading
MC – Motion to Concur
ACR – Adopt Conference Report
VO – Veto Override
A# - Amendment
(and corresponding number to amendment)
MSR – Motion to Suspend the Rules
RCS – Roll Call Number
HB 2 (VO) - Protect Health Care Freedom
HB 3 (2R) - Exclusionary Rule/Good Faith Exception
HB 8 (3R) - Eminent Domain
HB 32 (2R) - Electoral Freedom Act of 2011
HB 33 (3R) - Consular Documents Not Acceptable as ID
HB 36 (3R) - Employers & Local Gov’t Must Use E-Verify
HB 92 (3R) - Repeal Land Transfer Tax
HB 129 (MC) - Level Playing Field/Local Gov’t Competition
HB 200 (A21) - Appropriations Act of 2011
HB 200 (A31) - Appropriations Act of 2011
HB 200 (CM) - Appropriations Act of 2011
HB 200 (VO) - Appropriations Act of 2011
HB 215 (A2) - Unborn Victims of Violence Act/Ethen’s Law
HB 215 (A3) - Unborn Victims of Violence Act/Ethen’s Law
HB 215 (MC) - Unborn Victims of Violence Act/Ethen’s Law
HB 300 (2R) - Election Fairness Act of 2011
HB 342 (2R) - High School Accreditation
HB 344 (2R) - Tax Credits for Children with Disabilities
HB 344 (A1) - Tax Credits for Children with Disabilities
HB 344 (A2) - Tax Credits for Children with Disabilities
HB 351 (VO) - Restore Confidence in Government
HB 452 (3R) - Judicial Elections Changes
HB 483 (3R) - DNA Samples/Additional Felonies
HB 491 (2R) - Repeal State Capital Facilities Finance Act
HB 542 (2R) - Tort Reform for Citizens and Businesses
HB 572 (2R) - Accountability for Publicly Funded Nonprofits
HB 578 (MC) - State Health Plan/Additional Changes
HB 588 (2R) - The Founding Principles Act
HB 606 (3R) - Sheriff/Inspect Prescription Drug Records
HB 650 (3R) - Amend Various Gun Laws/Castle Doctrine
HB 658 (3R) - Change Early Voting Period
HB 744 (3R) - Safe Students Act
HB 751 (MC) - Various Economic Development Incentives
HB 824 (3R) - Nonpartisan Redistricting Process
HB 845 (3R) - Annexation Reform Act of 2011
HB 854 (VO) - Woman’s Right to Know Act
SB 9 (2R) - No Discriminatory Purpose in Death Penalty
SB 13 (3R) - Balanced Budget Act of 2011
SB 22 (2R) - APA Rules: Limit Additional Costs
SB 27 (2R) - Local Annexations Subject to 60% Petition
SB 33 (VO) - Medical Liability Reforms
SB 47 (2R) - Restore Partisan Judicial Elections
SB 109 (2R) - Spending Cuts for the Current Fiscal Year
SB 265 (3R) - State Health Plan/Appropriations and Transfer
SB 323 (ACR) - State Health Plan/Appropriations & Transfer II
SB 496 (VO) - Medicaid and Health Choice Provider Req.
SB 514 (3R) - Defense of Marriage
SB 532 (VO) - ESC/Jobs Reform
SB 709 (3R) - Energy Jobs Act
SB 781 (VO) - Regulatory Reform Act of 2011
Voted for Freedom
Voted against Freedom
No Vote
Lifetime Score: 23 / F
2012 Score
33 / F
2011 Score
13 / F